Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Admins and Epicness

Hey, all! It's Tuesday!

Are you seeing a pattern in this? Cuz I am.

Anyway, today's been cool, and I now have a new partner in crime -ahem- blogging.
Everyone, meet Emma. But you know, I'm just gonna call her em. Say hi, Em.

Anyway, I'll post on Tuesdays, she'll post on Thursdays. Except I'll let her post once today. Just. Once. So you guys can get to know life as Emma.

So. Life as I know it. It's been great. I dyed my hair blue, got Taylor Swift's new album, and will be a spiral, and in a movie on Thursday. Oh. Cookies. Yes. I love cookies. I owe cookies to Em and Zo for being awesome. Not to worry. I get more from my big bro eventually.

Well, coming up this weekend is Halloween. And a rockin' party. Well, two actually. One at school and one at my best buddy's house. Fun shall be had. Next week, a bus trip to navy pier in Chicago. For school. How friggin cool is that?! I'll be planting clues (like the ones in blue's clues)around the building tomorrow. If you find one, email me or comment or whatever. Have fun, and I'll see you soon, em.

Enjoy yourself.


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