Tuesday, October 12, 2010

oh, heck.

Hello, guys. It's Tuesday. Now, normally, I'd be all like-- woo, it's TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TUESDAYS FTW!!
But not today. You know why? 'Cuz today sucked. Yeah, it was so bad, I had to blog about it. And now my hair is wet, my iPod is stolen, and I just stubbed my toe really hard on the ceiling. Yeah, ow.

I may be only five blog posts in to this thing, and I may start to become slightly annoying, obnoxious, rambly and dangerous to your health, but bear with me, okay? 'Cuz, I mean, who isn't?

So for a change, I'm gonna be almost depressingly serious. Well, as serious as I can possibly be while laying on my bed in a pair of gryffindor pyjamas. So, pretty Sirius. (.....BAhahahhahahahhaha!!!)

     RaNdOm MoMeNt Of WiN------ "The name's Bond. Ionic Bond."  <3 :)

And there's candles. Really pretty, glowy candles. And they really don't give off nearly enough light for me to effectively type by. Especially on this netbook. Which is friggin' tiny. Oh, And my friend just tried to eat her rabbit. I do not approve. I did, however, promise to supply with some T.N.T.  She, in turn, will supply me with some cake. Which I will eat tomorrow in english class. Possibly with my fork bracelet. dressed as mop-mop, Nerd Extrordinaire.

Fun shall be had.
And I just noticed that since my facebook language is Pirate, when I get a new message, it says: Arrg! A Fresh Dubloon! It made my day.

And now for something completely different. Cookie if you know where that's from without cheating.

And wow. That got really long and rambly.

Also, If anyone is interested in sharing this blog with me, we could update with news for the public and eachother. And just be generally amazing. Cookie for anyone who actually bothered to go and count how many times I used the word 'and' in this post. You DON'T, however, get one for pointing out how many times I screwed up. I'll probably kill you for that.

Anyway. I bid you a dieu, au revoir, ciao, and every other french way to say goodbye.

Lotsa love,
   Agent 69.


  1. A MAN WITH THREE BUTTOCKS! Monty Python's Flying Circussssssssss

  2. btw: 14. counting when you said "how many times i used 'and'"

  3. IF I actually remembered that this blog existed I would have beat Emma to offering to share a blog with you. BUT that didn't happen so I'll just point out that this blog is cool and you should read my blog http://randomlifefacts.blogspot.com/ Yeah.... you don't actually have to....

  4. Oh, you stiiiiiill owe me a cookie dear...
