Saturday, February 5, 2011


Honestly, you can't be pissed, because you haven't been posting much EITHER. Anyways, I had a splendid birthday, I received a subscription to People Magazine (don't judge!), a TARDIS mug, a ticket to go see the Arcade Fire, and money from my grandparents. Not to mention all the love Igot from my family and friends! Oh God, I can't believe I just wrote that. Someone call the Corny Police, haha.

Anyways, I just finished watching "Nowhere Boy", a movie about John Lennon as a teenager. It was fairly good, but George Harrison did NOT look right AT ALL! Grrr....... But it has the kid from "Love Actually" and "Family of Blood" in it, so it automatically gets brownie points.


~Mad Hattie~

I Hatechu.

As subject says, Grace, I hatechu. Yalls haven't been posting recently, and it's getting a lil bit annoying. Which is why I'm stealing your blogging day. MAHAHAHHA

Soo... Yhu suck. I hatechu. Buh bye.

Who is pissed.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lots. And Lots. of STUFF. Okay, Maybe Not.


I honestly don't know whose day it is today to post, but quite frankly, I don't care.

It's a snow day,
School is closed,
gonna go outside
and make a snowman there.

ALL CAPS predicts the future. Fo sho fo sho. (Taran, kill me later.)



Also, it has come to my attention that I head-tilt adorably when confused. Like- Whut? -insert adorably confused head tilt here-

It is at times like these when I feel the need to video blog this whole thing and just post it instead.

Actually, that could have some potential coolness to it. I might consider that, thanks for the idea, me. I am SUCH a good thinker at like, 1:00 am. Be jealous. VERY. Jealous.

The offer still stands for a ride up to Waupaca in October, so if you want to make me the happiest girl in the WORLD, please, please find a way to get me up there to meet John Green.

I just realized that maybe 1:00 am is not such a very good time for me to be up... so... yeah... bye

~~LessThanThree <3

Friday, January 28, 2011


I'm sorry that I've gotten bad about posting, and that my posts have probably been boring to you recently.

It's very late right now, but I will try and entertain you at least a little right now. I just want to say how much I love the blog Gala Darling. It is run by a women named, surprise surprise, Gala Darling. Everything she types is full of positive energy, and if you're like me and hate the grey months we have ahead of us before spring, she helps a lot. She's funny and loves clothes and is wacky.

Seriously, check out her blog here. I am not ashamed of promoting her in this post because she is worth it. I wish I could be as motivated as she was.


Mad Hattie

Monday, January 24, 2011


Hey there. How have you been? Much like the illustrious Martha, I've been feeling pretty down all day. Nothing in particular, I'm just sick of winter.

Anyways, moving on to more interesting topics, Oscar nominations come out tomorrow! You may roll your eyes at me, but my knowledge on movies will come in handy to you someday, just you wait.

I feel bad for making this so short, but I have nothing else to say, and I don't feel like boring you, it doesn't seem right. So, see you on Wednesday, when I will be bursting with anticipation for the Oscars!

Buckets O' Love,

Mad Hattie

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Hey. Hi. Hello. Bonjour. Hola. [insert other ways to say hello in different languages here]

Still no luck, I am afraid to day, on the Waupaca trip. Maybe if someone ELSE convinces their parental unit to drive seven hours north and take me with (hint hint, nudge nudge).

So, today sucked, and you probably don't want me to go and bitch at you, so I'm just not gonna, and leave you with the simple fact that today was crap.

In other news, I just found a tootsie-pop and ten bucks in my pocket. yaaay.

Second semester and a completely different schedule that I memorized already? Boooo.  (nerd)

Tired (that's natural. Okay)


~Crayolaa <3

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Three words... okay, and a few more

First the original three words: FUCK YOU MARTHA

Okay, now I DID post this week, it's just that it was supposed to go up on Tuesday, but since I started writing it on Monday, the blog was stupid and put it with Monday. I HAVENT BEEN NEGLECTING YOU! Except for the fact that my history final is tomorrow, so I'm honestly not that concerned about writing good posts. Sorry!

So, I'll start posting for reals again soon, and I will see you on Saturday!

Hugs and Kisses,

Mad Hattie

P.S. Martha, don't you have health? Because there is NO WAY you got an "A" and I didn't. Just saying, we are partners in our hijinks.

Apologies and Explanations


It's finals week, which is why, I'm assuming, that GRACE HASN'T POSTED IN LIKE FOREVER.

ohai Taran, I fixed my caps lock. Did you notice?

I've decided we should do a theme week, like top ten, or famous ping-pong balls. Or something.
Whoever blogs on Monday gets to pick the theme, so we take turns. How nice am I? Pretty frickin nice.

Also, I'm trying to persuade my mum to drive me about 7 hours up to Waupaca, Wisconsin to go see John Green. Some people have the Golden Globes, some people have Darren Criss. Me? I have John and Hank Green. So far, it's not working. GODDANGIT.

Hey you. Yeah, you. Guess what? I don't have a final tomorrow. Nyah nya nya nyah nya nyaah.
But I DO still have to get up at the same time to go to school for an hour and a half and then LEAVE. GRAAH. Schnuffin.


~~ LessThanThree

Don't panic, and DFTBA

Monday, January 17, 2011

Monochromatic Weekend is Monochromatic

Hello you.

Nothing has really changed much since Saturday. I went shopping yesterday with Margo, and bought lots of monochromatic things. Except a bunny. It had a purple shirt. I did quite a large quantity of studying, and sitting around banging my head on the nearest table.

And then there was the Bears game. Grace -AHAHAHA THE BEARS WON! YESYESYES!!! nyah.

So, I woke up to shouting this morning, which happens every once in a while, and when it does, it gets bad. I typically resort to hiding in my room for the day. I did just this. Except for that one point of the day when dad left the house and I went to go clean the kitchen. At least I didn't have to shovel :P

I should probably sleep now. I have my first final tomorrow morning. CRAAAAP.


I'm a bad person

SO, I know I missed a day, and I know I'm a bad person, blah blah blah. Are we cool now? Okay, good.

So, this post will be all about my final thoughts on the winners of the Golden Globes. First off, HOW DID CLAIRE DANES BEAT JUDI DENCH? I mean, maybe she was good in what she was nominated for, but COME ON! If you don't understand how annoying Claire Danes is, watch this (specifically from 2:00 until she's dead) I mean, seriously? SHE CAN'T ACT!

Anyways, I was overall pretty satisfied with the results. However, Andrew Garfield did not win, which made me sad. He's so cute! Just watch him screw up his presentation here. I love him SO MUCH! Even though he lost, Christianity scored with the fact that Jesus DID win. Okay, fine, it was Christian Bale, but they could be twins!

The category for Best Actor was toughie for me, I mean, Colin Firth AND Kevin Spacey (Not to mention everyone else who was nominated, I loved them all this year)? However, colin Firth took the Golden Globe as well as my heart, though that has been his since I first saw Love Actually.

Well, I'm tired and have to finish a project, so I'll leave this for now, but I will see you on Thursday!

Forever Yours,

Mad Hattie

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Football. Hellz yeah.


It's football ti-- goGOGOgoGogoGOOO!!! yussss!!!!!!!
-ahem- touchdown. That. Was amazing. I'm a football DOOF. Yep.

Just so you know, grace, I'm only cheering for the packers because it's for the benefit of the bears.

Anyway, tomorrow will be a good day. There's a bears game at noon, which I will be watching with Madison. You know? That guy we haven't seen since before break? Yeah, him.

Also, I made my very own quill pen (pics on Monday), and I think Grace needs to put up some pics of her play which, yes, I am going to go see, stop bugging me, I RSVP'd on Facebook.

And now it's 9:10 and I'm tired and I'm going to bed now.
Less than Three.


I just made it through opening night! Can I get a HELLS YEAH?!?!?

Sorry, I just wanted to give you a quick update telling you that the opening night of the show I'm in, Maya and Me, was fantastic, and that Tech week is over, so I may be able to regain some sanity and start studying for finals.

Anyhoo, I hope you all have a loverly weekend full of rainbows and smiles, and i will see oyu Sunday.

By the way, I'm changing my nickname for a couple of days too!



(See if you can guess what it stands for!)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Twitter and Chocolate

la lala la LA la laa. I feel like singing. Just because.

    oh hi.

I got a twitter account the other day. it's kinda lame, but so am I. WHATEVAA.
if you.. you know.. wanna follow me or something... the name's redfairylights

wow. I actually think I might have a mild concussion from falling down the stairs earlier. ouch.

Mum, if you're reading this, thank you for the chocolate you stuffed int my art project. you're awesome <3


 Less Than Three

(Just changed my nickname. for maybe like, two days.)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Okay, so, I am in the middle of Tech Week for the show I am in, so I am a nervous wreck, and I apologize to everyone who has had to deal with my psychotics. This is going to be another short post, because it's 11:30 and I'm exhausted, but deal. Okay?

I would just like to point out that OH MY GOD THE GOLDEN GLOBES ARE ON SUNDAY!!! And I *will* be posing a review of the winners, so watch out. I haven't met my goal of seeing all of the nominees, but I will try to at least see all of the winners after, and tell you what I think.

But, just so you know, the worst is yet to come. The Oscar nominations are going up soon. You have been warned. If you thought I was bad waiting for the Golden Globes, you've got another thing coming.

Much Love,

Mad Hattie

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Getting The Boot.

Hey girls :)

Is it just me or is it only Me and Grace actually updating on a regular basis? No? Because it irks us terribly. So terribly, in fact, that you guys are gonna get the boot (temporarily). We apologize, but until you learn how to update properly, you will not be allowed back on. It's been Two weeks, guys, and only Grace and I updated during that period of time.

It's a shame, really.

ShOuToUt TiMe!!!!

 Meena, Terr, You guys rock <3

Sooo. I got stuff up in the gallery :) Yay :D
It's right on up on the wall of awesomeness with TARAN'S STUFF.


Also, because you guys are just THAT awesome, I must direct you to this video :

How To Be a NerdfighterA Vlogbrothers FAQ

You're welcomeee :)

Kay bye nao :)


(We're posting every other day now)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It is 10:48 right now, and I have no idea what to write for my blog post. This might not be my most coherent post ever, but deal with it. Before I begin, however, I have a special message for one Martha Blackwell: HAHAHA THE BEARS SUCK HAHAHA.

Anyways, lets get on with it. Today I meant to be productive, and go out to buy hair dye, but that didn't happen. I was too lazy to walk to Walgreens in the snow. So fresh dyed hair is going to have to wait a little guys. I'm sorry to disappoint.

I'm terribly sorry to do my second short post in a row, but it's 11:30 now, (I took a break while writing this) I'm tired, and I have nothing worthwhile to say, so I'm not going to waste your time.

Much Love,

Mad Hattie

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Last week's nice twin

Hey you :)

Just so you know, this week has been... Awesome.

We all got back to school yesterday and I got about a million hugs. I feel so loved. Like, really, you guys. It caused probably one of THE sappiest blogs I've written. Frig yeah.

And today has been great, cuz I'm doing my art final right now with glee:season 1 on in the background. And tomorrow's gonna be good too because it's wednesday and we get out early.

So yeah.


(could Chris Colfer get any more adorable?)