Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm a bad person

SO, I know I missed a day, and I know I'm a bad person, blah blah blah. Are we cool now? Okay, good.

So, this post will be all about my final thoughts on the winners of the Golden Globes. First off, HOW DID CLAIRE DANES BEAT JUDI DENCH? I mean, maybe she was good in what she was nominated for, but COME ON! If you don't understand how annoying Claire Danes is, watch this (specifically from 2:00 until she's dead) I mean, seriously? SHE CAN'T ACT!

Anyways, I was overall pretty satisfied with the results. However, Andrew Garfield did not win, which made me sad. He's so cute! Just watch him screw up his presentation here. I love him SO MUCH! Even though he lost, Christianity scored with the fact that Jesus DID win. Okay, fine, it was Christian Bale, but they could be twins!

The category for Best Actor was toughie for me, I mean, Colin Firth AND Kevin Spacey (Not to mention everyone else who was nominated, I loved them all this year)? However, colin Firth took the Golden Globe as well as my heart, though that has been his since I first saw Love Actually.

Well, I'm tired and have to finish a project, so I'll leave this for now, but I will see you on Thursday!

Forever Yours,

Mad Hattie

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