Saturday, January 15, 2011

Football. Hellz yeah.


It's football ti-- goGOGOgoGogoGOOO!!! yussss!!!!!!!
-ahem- touchdown. That. Was amazing. I'm a football DOOF. Yep.

Just so you know, grace, I'm only cheering for the packers because it's for the benefit of the bears.

Anyway, tomorrow will be a good day. There's a bears game at noon, which I will be watching with Madison. You know? That guy we haven't seen since before break? Yeah, him.

Also, I made my very own quill pen (pics on Monday), and I think Grace needs to put up some pics of her play which, yes, I am going to go see, stop bugging me, I RSVP'd on Facebook.

And now it's 9:10 and I'm tired and I'm going to bed now.
Less than Three.

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