Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Pet Peeve

Do you know what I despise more than anything else in the world? Okay, maybe not anything, but it's up there. People who write reviews and/or comment on things just bashing them. They don't seem to understand that saying "This is the worst song ever" or "That's so fucking lame" does not constitute an educated opinion that needs to be shared.

For example, when I'm looking at the free downloads on iTunes, I want to see what people think before I download the song. When I scroll down the reviews, there is always at least one person who leaves a one-star review saying "this sucks. worst song ever". Does that tell me anything about the song? Does it tell me whether I'll like it? No. It does not.

Also, it's just unkind! If you've uploaded something that you've worked hard on, you shouldn't have people commenting and telling you it's awful! Not that everyone has to love it, it's just respect! for example, I hate Katy Perry's music, but that doesn't mean that I would go up to her and tell her she sucked. It would be rude! How is it any different if you're not face to face with someone?

Anyways, have a good rest of winter break, and I will see you next Wednesday!


Mad Hattie

The week full of poopy.

Hello world. Today is like, officially the WORST DAY EVER.

One. Ella's having a birthday party, which is vaguely annoying, since her birthday was on the seventh.
Two. I went to target to get stuff to make over my room using the $150 I got for Christmas. Then I LOST THE MONEY. So now I don't get to redo my room. Foop.
Three. I have an orthodontist appointment in 45 minutes. I'm just hoping mum forgot.
Four. I have to go to Margo's later. EEEWWWW. Kidding, girll :) Love you.
Five. Mum didn't forget.
Six. I kinda really have to pee.
Seven. There is a LOT of smooching on the show Ella's watching and it's weirding me out.
Eight. My computer is in the shop (cuz it's BUSTED and that's why I didn't blog yesterday)
Nine. My knee won't move
Ten. I can't think of a tenth reason.

I feel kinda pathetic right now. Ranting to you about my issues. Oh well.

~~ Cr@y0l@

P.S. I just found my money. Muddah, Fuddah, kindly disregard this lettah.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Chris- wait, what?

Okay, everyone desides to be busy (including me) and so I'm posting a day late. The marking of Chistmas Day, for those of you who celebrate it. But, this post will not be Christmas-y starting..

Did you know that all of Santa's reinder must be female? So girls are the one's doing most of the work on the sleighs, even though males get the credit. They're female because only the girl reindeer have antlers during the winter. Male's get theirs during the summer, and they come off during winter, and visa versa.

Now, No more Christmas fact.
But, random facts since most are not tired of them, because they might come in handy one day.

President Kennedy was the fastest random speaker in the world with up to 350 words per minute.
Odontophobia is the fear of teeth.
Karaoke means, "empty orchestra" in japanese.
When you die, you're hair still grows for a couple of months.
According to suicide statistics, Monday is the most favored day for seelf-destruction.
It would take 11 Empire State Buildings to reach the bottom of the deepest part of the Gulf of Mexico.
The Neanderthal's brain was bigger than the average size brain now.
The sound of E.T. walking, was someone squishing their hands in jelly.
1 in 5,000 North Atlantic lobsters are born bright blue (also called the royal blue lobster).
The word "letholgica" describes the state of not being abe to remember the word you want.
Women are 37% more likely than men to go see a psychiatrist.
In ancient Rome, it was a sign of leadership to have a crooked nose.
The word "nerd" was coined by Dr.Seuss in "If I Ran To The Zoo".
The roar that we hear when we place a seashell next to our ear isn't the ocean, but rather the sound of blood surging through the veins in the ear. Any Cup-shaped object will produce the same sound effect.
Deuling is leagal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood doners.
That's enough random facts, now. Have a video to remember this post by.

(Warning, not real version of the song, real song doesn't fit the video at all, some content may wither make you shudder or give you some sense of confusion or hatred. Results may very.)

That's all, folks~
(>^o^)> M.I. Crazy <(^o^<)

Friday, December 24, 2010

My Apologies

Sorry I was so busy, like Mad Hattie,
and didn't get the chance to post on Thursday!
So I'm posting today, Friday, on Christmas Eve. :) Yes I'm excited for tomorrow! And so are the elves!!I would absolutely make one if I could but the laptop I'm on is being stupid so... here
is the the link to
-visit it and become an elf! Make your neighbor an elf! Make your cat an elf! The fun never ends. So other than trying to elf myself I'm watching
a really cheesy Christmas movie. But sometimes cheesiness is good in things that aren't edible! So, Let's celebrate-
the holidays are the time to be nicer to your parents and siblings more than usual, to eat tons, to open presents, and to savor your freedom this winter break.
I hope you liked the pics they took me like 20 minutes to post no joke! :P Happy Holidays everyone!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Shame On Me

Oh dear god, I'm so sorry that I forgot to post yesterday, I was insanely busy. I know that is no excuse, and I apologize.

As an apology, I will now post a video that made me probably the happiest person ever.
It is absolutely amazing, right? I know. So good.

Anyways, I have got to run grocery shopping and make presents, so I will see you next Wednesday.

Hugs and Kisses,

Mad Hattie

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hellooo :)

I had an extraordinarily uninteresting week. Want some more facts? Here you go.

Every day, more money is printed for monopoly than the US treasury.
The first novel written on a typewriter was Tom Sawyer.
It is not possible to lead a cow down stairs.
Men get hiccups more often than women.
Amount American Airlines saved in 1987 by eliminating one olive from the salads in first Class : $440,000.
Chances of a white Christmas in New York City are one in four.
Number of people airborne over the united states at any given time: 61,000
Average lifespan of an American league baseball: 7 pitches
Percentage of states that claim the test results in their elementary schools are above the national average : 50
The only first lady to have carried a loaded revolver was Elenor Roosevelt
The only food that does not spoil is honey
Polar Bears are left handed.
Mark Twain didn't graduate elementary school.
They have square watermelons in Japan because 'they stack better'
All 50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the five dollar bill.
The symbol on the pound key (#) is called an octothorpe
A cat has 32 muscles in each ear
The only real person to be a pez head was Betsy Ross
A pregnant goldfish is called a twit
Charles de Gaulle's final words were 'it hurts.'
Cranberries are sorted for ripeness by bouncing them
A donkey will sink in quicksand but a mule won't.

I think that's it. I got to be on a radio show, and I chilled with four different people today.

Yep :)
Kay bye!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Oh My Goodness! It's Monday again!

Hello everyone!
Today doesn't feel at all like a Monday because we are on WINTER BREAK!!! Which means NO SCHOOL!!! It also means CHRISTMAS CAMP!!! Christmas Camp is a three full day and four night long camp at Hoofbeat Ridge. So it's a horse camp, which means riding fuzzy fuzzy ponies (well, mostly horses, but you know what I mean) and it's Hoofbeat which means hanging out with some of my favorite people ever. I am so excited, you have no idea.
Also, today I am going skating with my buddy Zoe (Z I guess... we need to find you a nickname, my dear), which should be fun because apparently the ice is like glass and it's actually not that cold out, which is nice because I like having ten fingers, ten toes, and a nose. Best Kept Secret of Winter: It actually can be nice! Oh, the shock!
Hmm... that's enough I think. :)
Merry Christmas/ What every you celebrate!

Saturday, December 18, 2010


I must let you know that I am VERY sorry for not posting last week. Saturdays are just NOT a good day for me to blog, I'm much to busy and tired by the end of it. Since I am rather sleepy, I will entertain you with pictures. I am simply too lazy to type coherently. Maybe, if i'm feeling especially energetic, I'll write captions.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hi people, it's THURSDAY!! Not really the best day of the week but the point is, tomorrow is Friday and therefore the last day of school until Winter break. :) So my blog posts aren't really about obsessions at the moment, they're just about random things I find funny. So, today's blog post is about... *drum roll*
You might not have heard of them, so I'll tell you now: they are fuzzy, obese, aliens that seem to be on drugs and entertain little kids.
Here's the video:
So yeah. Really creepy. And to think I actually watched that a few times when I was little is kinda sad.. :*( No wonder the show was cancelled on PBS. That stuff is totally t-r-i-p-p-y, trippy!
So, I'm guessing that made your day completely 'awesome'!
or maybe it scarred you for life. 0:)

~M (hopefully will get a better nickname)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wednesday already?

Well, as most of the 11 followers we have know, I was sick yesterday. But I am feeling about 95% better, so no worries now. :)

Anyways, and I cannot stress this enough, GOLDEN GLOBES NOMINATIONS ARE UP!!! I am a HUGE fan of movie award shows, and the Golden Globes are the kick-off to my favorite time of year. The time of year to obsess over who should win the Golden Globe/Oscar for best actor, etc. You'll be hearing about it a lot.

I will promise you that I will write a review of each movie I see in the upcoming time to the Golden Globes, and then the Oscars. You might be bored, but suck it up. You can obsess over Glee and Darren and whatever else all year (no offense, I love them too. :D) but my huge obsession mode only lasts a season. I promise to keep spoilers to a minimum.

I'm signing off for now, but I'll leave you with the trailer for a nominee, The King's Speech. I can't wait to see it!

Much love,

Mad Hattie

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Randomness from a tired girl

Tuesday. Hoorah.

I UrbanDictionary-ed my name like, five seconds ago. Terr, you'd be proud.

1)   (noun) a term used to describe a girl who's a genuine badass; a successful, independent woman who doesn't take crap from no one and is well respected by everyone; everyone she meets loves her and just flat out envies how badass she is; may be usd in adj. form.

The new girl applied to the new teaching program and was such a badass that she got in; the interviewers were stunned by her sense of Martha-ness

Uh huh :)


   A dime has 118 ridges on its edge.
              The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
      Anatidaephobia is the fer that somehow, somewhere, a duck is watching you.

And now, 20 reasons to be happy.
1: Me :D    You can't look at me and not smile.
2: Kittens. Unless you're allergic, which is dumb.
3: Penguins. Who the hell is allergic to penguins?!
4: Rainy day. Gloomy, but the rainbows are worth it.
5: Jason Munday. 'Nuff said.
6: The amazingness of Yoshi.
7: Spinning around till you fall over.
8: the fact that unicorns are real, they just own invisibility cloaks.
9: Hats that look like fish that Terr is most certainly not going to steal.
10: Aweome girls <3
11: Nerds :D
12: Socks that don't match and never will.
13: How pringles look like a duck face when you put them together.
14: Feeling like a ninja when you catch something in midair when you drop it.
15: Hugs from your mum :)
16: Puppy grins
17: Random moments of awesomeness.
18: Sharpies
19: Darren Criss's Gangter Face.
20: SNOW!!!

Grace, I hope you feel better. How was your day awesome?

!!!Crayola, the only one who picked a nonexistent number.!!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ha! Take that! I did NOT forget a title! Oh wait... Poetry... sure that works.

Hello world! How has your day been? Mine's been awesome, but mostly for reasons I'm forbidden to speak of, haha... So, lessee... I am really not very creative when it comes to blog posts. You know what Saturday is? The first day of Winter Break! Oh yeah! What a wonderful thing to think of! Maybe I should post a poem since Zoe (I don't know what her nickname is/ if she has one) posted photography. But I don't know what to post....

The Shattered Glass
I've fallen into a cloud
And the silver lining stings
like a piece of ice pressed against my smiling cheek
And the pictures in the shattered glass
are of heart shaped hands
and smiles, unreturned
and eyes that look everywhere
but here
and of shining stars
and people just standing
and the shards of mirror
are scattered on the floor
and that perfect sheet of glass is
And the color holding it together is
It hurts
It stings
But like the burning water, it feels
And angels fly without wings
and fall into ink stained palms
and quiet tears
And I wish I could speak
but my tongue grew numb
a while ago
And I wish you would look
but I don't know what you'd see
Because my silver mask is only transparent
And I wish you would listen
but I'm not saying a word
And I wish you would smile
but I'm just there
And I wish I wish I wish
but I don't do
I'm frozen
in my simple routine
I'm scared
of taking a chance
And I can only wish
That I wasn't
So the stars are my drug
And you'll still be there
And the shards of glass
could cut my bare feet
because I don't even like shoes
But if I moved them
If I pieced them back together
My world could be
But if I leave them there
I'll be
So I don't know where to turn

Yeah.... Mostly I chose that 'cause I had it typed up. Sounds better when spoken anyway. That's why it's SPOKEN word. (Oh wait, that's a forbidden topic). I should really get better at posting on here because this is growing pathetic.  I mean, seriously? Poetry? Bleugh... I'm sorry for boring you with such mundane boredom. Someday I'll figure out blogging. :)
Until then (actually probably not, because I wouldn't be here 'til next year or something),

Sunday, December 12, 2010

You have Wikipedia to thank for the length of this post

Before I start any real writing, I'd just like to apologize for my lack of posts. I decided to post on Sundays because that is usually when I have the most free time, but it hasn't worked out that way lately. Sorry! :P
ANYWAYS! Snooooooowww! That's pretty much all I can think of right now. It's amazing. A foot or more of white powdery stuff over everything?!?!? No way! But it's there. It never ceases to amaze me each winter...
Wait. I lied in that last paragraph. I can think about other stuff right now. Like the English assignment I had to write using 'we' as a substitute for 'I'. Or the 17 history questions I had to answer just now. Or the fact that I am not going to Starship, which baisically makes my life suck. But that's all depressing. There's more, but nobody wants an entire blog post of complaining, do they?
Awesome note: Saw HP and the Deathly Hallows for the second time today. Daniel Radcliff is on my list of worst actors ever, but who cares? It's still Harry Potter.
Okay, so now on to the reason for my title. I shall answer Grace's question about Kwanzaa via the handy dandy Wikipedia!
...Ok, nevermind. Blogger does not allow copy-and paste. I'm not changing the title of the post, but I will put in a url to the wikipedia page. Yes, this is strange, but I'm just answering a question honestly... There. Ok, I have nothing else to say.
Ta-ta for now!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Hi people! I'm the new awesome girl! New to the whole blogging thing... Hopefully I can make my life sound more interesting than it really is :) It's getting late now and I don't plan on looking like a zombie tomorrow, so I'm just gonna show you this thing I stumbled upon on
I think it's kinda funny. If you try any of them, let me know- I kinda doubt they actually work but who doesn't want to see ponies prancing in the clouds? Bye for now!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I'm VERY Disappointed.

I am very disappointed right now. I went to all of the trouble to engage people and learn more about them, and not ONE person responded to the challenge. Well, dear readers, you asked for it.

You will now be faced with a blog post of nothing but me talking at you. I may or may not use gibberish. You had your chance, and now you'll have to face the consequences.

I'm just kidding. I don't hate you guys. I was just so excited to start this cool new thing and no one did it. It was such a let down.

Anyways, I was asked by the lovely Crayola what made my day awesome. WELL, I got to go to PDQ and load up with junk food, just to spite my health class nutrition unit. Yes, I did. and now if anyone offers me candy I may fall over into a sugar/salt induced coma. It was worth it though.

I also went to see the choir concert, tonight, and it was loverly. However, I have one question. WHO THE HELL CELEBRATES KWANZAA? Seriously, to me it just seems like a made up holiday, so if you can help me out with that it would be great.

Before I go: I have a video I think that you guys should watch to make YOUR day awesome.

Much Love,

Mad Hattie

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hey :)

Mmph. It's Tuesday... Hurrah.
I am so tired right now, I am gonna make this insanely short and just say my week has been totally awesome. IT SNOWED!!!!! :D

So, using this to my advantage, I went out and kicked some boy friend (notice the space there) bum. I will probably rue the day some day, but.. Eh, no.

And since it's my obligation at the amazing sister that I so happen to be,
HaPpY FrEaKiNg BiRtHdAy, ElLa <3 I love you SO much. You're TEN! And you know what? ALL of the awesome girls signed your card. It's just so touching, isn't it?

Anyways, I am insanely tired. Bye.
Hey, Grace. how was your day awesome?

By the way, I'm still waiting on that challenge ;)

Monday, December 6, 2010

My Life Rocks....

Guess what? I'M GOING TO STARSHIP! For any readers who don't know what that is, allow me to explain. Team StarKid is an incredible theater company that performed A Very Potter Musical and A Very Potter Sequel (I hope you've figured out who they are by now from reading this blog) and Starship is their newest play. It is a science-fiction musical. So basically, it's going to be awesome.

I am also getting my braces off in two weeks! Woah! How sweet is that?

I have zero inspiration right now, which I'm sure you're tired of hearing. Umm... guess what? I wrote to Julia Albain and- wait! I'm gonna talk about who she is first!

Julia Albain is a StarKid (big surprise, huh?). She played Crabbe in AVPM and AVPS which was NOT  a very big role, so I don't know how she is at acting but I feel like she's probably really good because she did major in acting at UM Ann Arbor. The reason why I love her is because of her blog, which is amazing. She is such a good writer and she's a really inspiring person.

So, anyway, I wrote to her, to tell her that I loved her, basically. Because I feel like she's way too under appreciated. And she wrote a really sweet reply back which I received today, and it made me smile. I love things that make you genuinely smile. Like things that really, really mean a lot. I mean, her reply isn't necessarily that meaningful, but there are somethings that are. And sometimes you don't even smile but you're grinning like hell on the inside. And you know what really sucks? When you can't say thank you. That's kind of why I wrote to Julia. Because I can thank her. And I guess what's special about her response is just that she took the time to write this reply back even though any compliment doesn't mean much because I don't actually know her. But she did say "It really put a smile on my face" which I think is kind of the same feeling. I'm glad that I could give her that, because it feels really good.

Okay, that's a pretty reasonable post. Someday I'll write one that's actually focused on a topic and well written....

Bye bye,
Tally Ho

Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Most Sincere Apologizes...

Sorry that this is scandalously an entire day late... I was reeeaaaaally tired yesterday and decided putting this off until later was a fabulous idea. Whereupon "later" arrived, I had forgotten I was supposed to write this. Yes, my memory is... not quite what it used to be *sniffles and pushes ancient bifocals up nose*. I read other peoples' posts and, now, there are prompts? I don't do so well with prompts... I think I might ignore them. That way no one will have to experience sever intestinal damage after reading too much of my writing.
I have no idea what to say... haha. It's ways too early for me to think/write coherently. All I can think of are chloroplasts. Oscillatoria, Gloeocapsa, mitochondria, granules, nucleus, Amoeba... And on and on and on. Thank you, Paul du Vair.
I have to leave in twenty minutes and I need to get ready... BUT I HAVE TO FINISH THIS!!!!
The tallest cactus ever recorded was 19.2m. The smallest reaches only 1 cm, when fully matured.
I want to Arizona last spring. There were A LOT of cactus. I took a LOT of pictures of them.
I love photography... Except I have a really shitty camera, so not all of my ideas turn out very well. Here are some pictures I've taken (blurs are ABSOLUTELY INTENTIONAL and I know they might not look like much, but they MEAN something, to me at least):

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Just a little late, world

Hey, I'm Just here, and there, and a little at both. I hear the slight scurrying of my rat in his cage, and I look over expecting to see the hyperactive hamster I've had for two years climb all over, being nicknamed Spider , but I'm met with an empty cage. But that's to be expected, I guess. It just shows me more that most things live and die in the same period as the other's do. No exception.

Anyways, music makes me happier, which I'm listening to now, but probably to people none of you have heard before. I can't see almost any of you (that' I've seen/hear/know) listening to half of the stuff I put on my MP3 player. And no, I don't have an iPod. I'm not that spoiled (haha).

Hmm.. I'm actually smiling today, even though I have some kind of stomach virus and I'm far from happy, but I find myself smiling. It's weird, because I'm usually masked with a serious mask that scares everyone off.

Well, I'm off,
(>^o^)> M.I. Crazy <(^o^<)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hello World!!

So, recently I became the 10th follower of this blog. Wow. 10. It's a milestone you guys. *starts to sniffle*

Anyways, I realized that it isn't fair that Crayola has to be the only one who sets challenges for you guys. I write for this blog too! I should be setting you guys AWESOME challenges! so, from now on, in my blog posts, I will set you guys either a prompt, or a challenge, or a dare, etc. I will be expecting to see your responses in the comments!


Tell me an embarrassing/funny story from when you were a kid. I'll go first!

People with siblings know how to push their sisters/brothers buttons and get them REALLY pissed. I have had a special gift at doing just that since I was very young. When I was around 2 years of age, I went through the "mine" phase. Most everyone does at some point in their life, but I was strategic.

My favorite victim was my older sister, Anna. I would pick up something of hers and tell her it was mine, and she would burst into tears (I come from an emotional family). My parents got so sick of the waterworks that they devised a brilliant plan.

My parents took my sister aside and gave her an inspirational speech about how to deal with the trauma this caused. they explained to her that if I picked up a book or toy of hers and called it a cabbage, that (breaking news here) didn't mean it was actually a cabbage. They told her that the same was true when I picked up something of hers and said it was mine, and that the next time she should think to herself "it's a cabbage" so she knew that it wasn't really mine and wouldn't get upset.

Now, since making my sister cry was my favorite sport (at least for the purposes of this story), it wasn't long before I pulled the "mine" trick again. Now my sister, armed with new techniques to defeat me and my evil regime, didn't get upset and told me "it's a cabbage" to foil my plot.

Being a quite devious toddler, this did not throw me for a loop as she'd planned. I retorted, "It's MY cabbage, and brought my sister to tears.

Because I was just that cool.

Hugs and kisses,

Mad Hattie

P.S. Help me think of a better name for these challenges!!

P.P.S. I've been toying with the idea of creating a new blog as a sort of daily journal, I haven't written in so long, and it feels great to do it again. Your thoughts?