Sunday, December 12, 2010

You have Wikipedia to thank for the length of this post

Before I start any real writing, I'd just like to apologize for my lack of posts. I decided to post on Sundays because that is usually when I have the most free time, but it hasn't worked out that way lately. Sorry! :P
ANYWAYS! Snooooooowww! That's pretty much all I can think of right now. It's amazing. A foot or more of white powdery stuff over everything?!?!? No way! But it's there. It never ceases to amaze me each winter...
Wait. I lied in that last paragraph. I can think about other stuff right now. Like the English assignment I had to write using 'we' as a substitute for 'I'. Or the 17 history questions I had to answer just now. Or the fact that I am not going to Starship, which baisically makes my life suck. But that's all depressing. There's more, but nobody wants an entire blog post of complaining, do they?
Awesome note: Saw HP and the Deathly Hallows for the second time today. Daniel Radcliff is on my list of worst actors ever, but who cares? It's still Harry Potter.
Okay, so now on to the reason for my title. I shall answer Grace's question about Kwanzaa via the handy dandy Wikipedia!
...Ok, nevermind. Blogger does not allow copy-and paste. I'm not changing the title of the post, but I will put in a url to the wikipedia page. Yes, this is strange, but I'm just answering a question honestly... There. Ok, I have nothing else to say.
Ta-ta for now!


  1. I can't believe I used to like Daniel Radcliff. Like really? Darren is sooooo much better. Thank you AVPM for opening my eyes to the truth! :D

  2. Hahaha, Anna. I thought whoever commented was going to mention Darren Criss and look at that! Haha. :)
