Friday, December 24, 2010

My Apologies

Sorry I was so busy, like Mad Hattie,
and didn't get the chance to post on Thursday!
So I'm posting today, Friday, on Christmas Eve. :) Yes I'm excited for tomorrow! And so are the elves!!I would absolutely make one if I could but the laptop I'm on is being stupid so... here
is the the link to
-visit it and become an elf! Make your neighbor an elf! Make your cat an elf! The fun never ends. So other than trying to elf myself I'm watching
a really cheesy Christmas movie. But sometimes cheesiness is good in things that aren't edible! So, Let's celebrate-
the holidays are the time to be nicer to your parents and siblings more than usual, to eat tons, to open presents, and to savor your freedom this winter break.
I hope you liked the pics they took me like 20 minutes to post no joke! :P Happy Holidays everyone!!


  1. I TOTALLY coined so cheesy it was edible, and you TOTALLY didn't give me any credit. Rawr.

  2. I wasn't talking about "That was so cheesy I could eat it!" I was talking about how things that are not edible such as a movie can be good cheesy". Big difference Rosie!
