Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Most Sincere Apologizes...

Sorry that this is scandalously an entire day late... I was reeeaaaaally tired yesterday and decided putting this off until later was a fabulous idea. Whereupon "later" arrived, I had forgotten I was supposed to write this. Yes, my memory is... not quite what it used to be *sniffles and pushes ancient bifocals up nose*. I read other peoples' posts and, now, there are prompts? I don't do so well with prompts... I think I might ignore them. That way no one will have to experience sever intestinal damage after reading too much of my writing.
I have no idea what to say... haha. It's ways too early for me to think/write coherently. All I can think of are chloroplasts. Oscillatoria, Gloeocapsa, mitochondria, granules, nucleus, Amoeba... And on and on and on. Thank you, Paul du Vair.
I have to leave in twenty minutes and I need to get ready... BUT I HAVE TO FINISH THIS!!!!
The tallest cactus ever recorded was 19.2m. The smallest reaches only 1 cm, when fully matured.
I want to Arizona last spring. There were A LOT of cactus. I took a LOT of pictures of them.
I love photography... Except I have a really shitty camera, so not all of my ideas turn out very well. Here are some pictures I've taken (blurs are ABSOLUTELY INTENTIONAL and I know they might not look like much, but they MEAN something, to me at least):


  1. I really like your photos! :)

  2. Can i just say I love you? haha. Sweet pictures!
