Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hello World!!

So, recently I became the 10th follower of this blog. Wow. 10. It's a milestone you guys. *starts to sniffle*

Anyways, I realized that it isn't fair that Crayola has to be the only one who sets challenges for you guys. I write for this blog too! I should be setting you guys AWESOME challenges! so, from now on, in my blog posts, I will set you guys either a prompt, or a challenge, or a dare, etc. I will be expecting to see your responses in the comments!


Tell me an embarrassing/funny story from when you were a kid. I'll go first!

People with siblings know how to push their sisters/brothers buttons and get them REALLY pissed. I have had a special gift at doing just that since I was very young. When I was around 2 years of age, I went through the "mine" phase. Most everyone does at some point in their life, but I was strategic.

My favorite victim was my older sister, Anna. I would pick up something of hers and tell her it was mine, and she would burst into tears (I come from an emotional family). My parents got so sick of the waterworks that they devised a brilliant plan.

My parents took my sister aside and gave her an inspirational speech about how to deal with the trauma this caused. they explained to her that if I picked up a book or toy of hers and called it a cabbage, that (breaking news here) didn't mean it was actually a cabbage. They told her that the same was true when I picked up something of hers and said it was mine, and that the next time she should think to herself "it's a cabbage" so she knew that it wasn't really mine and wouldn't get upset.

Now, since making my sister cry was my favorite sport (at least for the purposes of this story), it wasn't long before I pulled the "mine" trick again. Now my sister, armed with new techniques to defeat me and my evil regime, didn't get upset and told me "it's a cabbage" to foil my plot.

Being a quite devious toddler, this did not throw me for a loop as she'd planned. I retorted, "It's MY cabbage, and brought my sister to tears.

Because I was just that cool.

Hugs and kisses,

Mad Hattie

P.S. Help me think of a better name for these challenges!!

P.P.S. I've been toying with the idea of creating a new blog as a sort of daily journal, I haven't written in so long, and it feels great to do it again. Your thoughts?

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