Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I Love my Father.

Okay, so this post was originally going to be a description of a typical family holiday for me, but it has been usurped by this urgent topic. How much I love my father. It's a LOT.

As most (if not all) of you know, my ipod decided to die on me this week. Now, as I said in my introductory post, I am a music nerd. I NEED music to stay sane. If I can't listen to my music, I start to go insane. INSANE. Really. It's horrible. For everyone involved.

Anyways, today my amazing and inspiring father took my ipod to the Apple Store and found out the hard drive was fried, however, they had a buy back program, so my daddy came home with a BRAND NEW ipod for me!!! So, although I do not have all of my music on my ipod anymore (some of it isn't on my account), I will not have to suffer through a family holiday with no escape. Therefore, when you see me next, I will not be heavily medicated in a padded room.

At least, not because my ipod is broken.

Until next wednesday!

~Mad Hattie

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