Monday, November 29, 2010


Today was NOT a particularly good day... And now I have a headache and I'm STARVING. I wish Spoken Word club would go on for ever. I'm going to have trouble not talking about that every time I post because it's every Monday... Let's see, I should select a topic...

Rain is nice. But it's about time that it snows. I mean seriously? It's almost freezing out, but not quite, so it doesn't snow, it RAINS. Bleugh. Also, food is really good. Like really really good. I'm chewing gum right now, but it doesn't help at all. You know what always makes me hungry? Harry Potter. Because there is SO much good food in those books. I mean SERIOUSLY!

Here is what happened today: In Spanish we watched Nacho Libre (What an AWFUL movie). In English we went to see some speaker guy, which was okay I guess... In Geometry we went over a worksheet. Honestly, I actually really like math, even though I suck at it, it makes sense. In Biology we didn't do much. We spent awhile talking about our teacher's ridiculous granddaughter and then we had like twenty minutes of free time because I had already finished the lab for that day. We finished watching Fiddler on the Roof in Orchestra which was... ok, I guess. It's a really weird movie. History sucked. In gym we started our Basketball unit. Yuck. And then Spoken Word!!! :)

Ok, I think that's long enough, I don't know if it's particularly interesting, but whatever.



  1. you forgot to mention how the entire school had no heat for most of the day :)

  2. I'm liking Zoe's comment there :)Well...sort of. At least I'm agreeing with it :)

  3. umm... Tally Ho? you wanna know how much I love you? Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much. Times 327. <3 alsoooo.... TWO F*CKING HORSES? I mean, COME ON. She's like EIGHT. CHRIST. I think it's kinda ridic to have multiple as an ADULT (coughJudycoughCarolecoughMarlin&JackiecoughMarlacoughSTEPHANIEcough), but as an EIGHT YEAR OLD? Christ. Okay, maybe I'm unfair. I see no problem with the fact that ANNIE had 2 horses at like four... But they were/are Lexi's too! And... yeah. Never mind. But if she's buying a "better" hunter, then why the frick does she need to keep the baby beginner??? jeez.
