Sunday, November 28, 2010

So Now What Do I Talk About

Hello There, Other Awesome Girls and Collective Other Followers of This Blog (OAG and COFT don't sound very flattering, do they now?).
My life is pretty boring right now, and you don't really want to hear about just my boring old life, do you?
I don't know what to say here then. Everyone's already taken up all the good topics. EVEN HIPPO-FREAKING-POTAMUSES!! .......... Ooh I know! i rEallY likE CapItaLIzing rANdom leTTers iN wOrds beCAUSe it maKes my hEad-vOIcE sOUnd DrunK. But that's just annoying to all of you, I'm sure....
Wait, here's something! It has to do with my nickname!
A wonderful thing is a Tigger
A Tigger's a wonderful thing!
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of spring!
They're bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy
fun fun fun fun fun!
The most wonderful thing about Tiggers is
I'm the only one!
Actually I know three Tiggers. But whatever. I must go now, as my dad is telling me to get off the computer. Sorry for this extremely lame post.
Ta-ta for now!