Monday, November 22, 2010

Spoken Word (at least I think that's what I'll write about)

Hey readers!
So I decided to change my name. Elfin Shadow just became Tally Ho. Today was... a bit stressful, but because of Spoken Word it became AMAZING! I just love that club. I love getting to read poetry (though we read a rather... distasteful rap today, I'm really not a fan of that style) and then we get a prompt and we write for ten minutes (today we got two prompts which made me happy)and then everyone performs which means you get to hear a bunch of people's take on the same prompt and then you get to perform yours, which is fun. So I've been writing a bunch lately, and I didn't get to perform because of WHSFA (which was INCREDIBLE) but that's okay, because it's great to be able to write just for me. I would write more now but I keep getting distracted and there's a lot of other stuff going on, so I guess that's gonna be it for tonight.
Tally Ho

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