Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Hi! I'm Tigger. I guess. I have so many nick/user names I don't really care what you call me. Anyways, I'll be posting here Sundays.
So maybe you want to know about my life (probably not, it's rather mundane at the moment). Hmm... I have two wonderful kitties, 5 chickens (badass, hmm?), I ride. My current obessessions are Hoofbeat Ridge, RENT, Wicked, Darren Criss (I feel like I shouldn't advertise him on here; cough-Elfie-cough) Starkid, and The Hunger Games, but they tend to vary. I like to write (duh) and read, and I have overuse problems with commas and parentheses, as you can probably tell.
Nothing particularlly exciting happen today, aside from the apperance of some giant goat feet in our orchestra room. I'll talk more on Sunday, I guess.
Ta-ta for now!

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